Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kapa Haka

Kapa Haka
Every Tuesday we have Kapa Haka with Matua Madsen.
He has been teaching us lots of waiata and how to do the haka.
Now we are learning a stick game.
We have to remember to count when we are using the sticks.


We go to the Hall every day and 
we are learning to use the gymnastic equipment. 
We can jump over the box.
We can walk along the beam.
We can swing on the bar.
We are very good at forward rolls.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Lambs at School

Taliyah's mother Elyse brought their two pet lambs to school for us to see. We were able to help feed them with a bottle of milk.  We thought they were very cute. It was fun to see them.  

Planting Apple Trees

Last week our school was given four apple trees by the Nelson Marlborough Hospital Services to plant in our school grounds. Our apple tree is a Liberty apple. We planted our tree on the bank and we are going to look after them. One day we will be able to pick some apples and eat them. 

Waiting for Our Principal

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Making Milo

We've been finding out what happens to mixtures when we heat them or add hot water to them.
We made Milo and found out that Milo and sugar dissolves in hot water to make a yummy drink.

Welcome for New Principal

Last Friday we had a welcoming ceremony for our new principal Mrs Sonya Hockley.
We had a wonderful assembly with help from our local iwi. Lots of people came to help us celebrate. The eldest pupil and the youngest pupil at the school helped Mrs Hockley to cut a cake and everyone had a piece of cake.  It was delicious!  

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Making Hamburgers

These are the hamburgers we made and ate for lunch. We think they tasted better than McDonalds.

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Sunday, June 7, 2009

This term we've been learning how to weave. We've done some weaving with paper, and flax and fabric strips. We've looked at all kinds of weaving and we found out that most weaving is over and under and under and over...EASY!!!

We have four new children in our class. Welcome to Ethan , Riley  Canon, and Connor and their families.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Candle making 

We decided to make candles to give to our mums for mothers day.

We had to work out ways to make lots of candles all at once.

We decided that everyone should have a job to do. 

We all worked together and we ended up with enough candles for everyone in the class to take home.  when the wax was hard we decorated our candles with stickers to make them look really great. Next term we are going to make a mothers day card and then we will take out candles home and say 'Happy Mothers  Day' Mum 

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Welcome to Trafalgar Room 2009

Hi everyone,
We've had a great strt to the year. We are enjoying back at school - playing with our friends, learning lots of new stuff and swimming every day.
We started the year with 12 children - some from last year and some new children as well.
Here is a photo of the kids in Trafalgar room.